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analogue computer 模擬計算機。


In order to prove the feasibility of the control method mentioned , both the semiphysical test for the plant simulated by analogue computer and the model test for the cantilever beam are designed and finished with the study of the parameter selection in realization 對離線建模的智能旋翼頻域神經控制方法進行了試驗驗證研究,試驗分兩種情況:以模擬計算機模擬受控對象的半物理仿真試驗與懸臂梁振動響應控制試驗,并研究了實現中的參數選擇問題。

Generally , electronic computers are classified into two groups ; the digital computer and the analogue computer 通常計算機可分為兩類,數字式和模擬式計算機。

Dynamic system equivalent experiment based on electronic analogue computer 基于電子模擬計算機的動力學等效實驗